Is using rib cartilage for nose revision surgery absolutely necessary?

Is using rib cartilage for nose revision surgery absolutely necessary?

Q: I am interested in getting nose revision surgery. What kind of material is used for revision surgeries? 

A: After getting nose surgery, people may consider revision surgery for a various number of reasons. The shape of the nose may be different, the implant may be too high, the nose tip may be too pointy, the implant may be loose and move, or there might not even be a nose tip. 

Surgical methods may change case by case: 

1. Slanted implant - the implant is first taken out, then space is made to match the implant to fit correctly

2. Loose implant - without opening the nose, the implant is placed under the periosteum 

3. Michael Jackson nose - the implant and altered cartilage in the tip are removed, and the tip is made to look natural again using the dermis and autologous tissue

4. Nose tip contraction - this revisional surgery can be done using septal cartilage or donated cartilage, and after the scars inside the nose have been healed, the tip cartilage is adjusted to its original shape and length 

5. Nose bridge too high - the implant is first removed, then a fitting implant is inserted for a natural look

6. Nose bridge too narrow - the implant is first removed, then a slightly wider implant is inserted. If the skin has become too thin, an additional surgery involving silitex, dermis, fascia is done to recover the width.  

7. Flat nose tip - the septal cartilage is used to make a support fixture, then cartilage is fixed into the tip. 

It is recommended that patients visit experienced surgeons, for safe and satisfactory results since there are various cases. The duration of the surgeries are usually 2 hours long, although it may vary according to the type of surgery. Stitch removal is 5-7 days later, and patients must come in for a check up 2-3 times that week. Swelling and recovery usually lasts 7-10 days, and then return to daily activity is possible. 

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