Avoid food that is harmful for you rather than find the healthy foods.

Before the plastic surgery, and after the plastic surgery, what would you recommend to eat? What kinds of foods are good for swelling and bruising goes down quickly? Many people are curious. However, if you are normally avoided eating bad food, you will have speed up your recovery even after the plastic surgery. Nowadays, if you do a little search on your phone, thousands of health information will be pouring out. However, the information may be too much or too obsessive, or may ignorant of your condition, misjudgment may be poisoned under personal judgment.

Our bodies are surprisingly simple. They send a good signal with healthy act and bad signal with unhealthy act immediately. For example, when you eat too much spicy and salty good, you will keep constantly thirsty or your stomach get hurts. After a heavy meal, digestion can be difficult and painful. Moreover, cigarette smoke makes you cough and feel vomit and even make your eyes feel sore.

The first step in all health care is to avoid that already well known to be bad for your health and what your body dislikes. Eating good food does not make your health suddenly improves or the illness that you have suffered, suddenly does not heal. No single food can supply the quantity or variety of nutrients needed for good health. For example, meat can supply protein and iron but contains little calcium: calcium can be supplied by milk, but milk does not contain much iron. Even if its healthy food, eating too much can mean ruined your health.

Therefore, it is important to avoid bad food, rather than trying to find good food. This means avoid spicy, salty foods and foods with too much additives or seasoning, or sweeteners and so on. When spicy or salty foods enter the body, they need to detoxify the food harmlessly to the body. It causes waste in the digestive system, especially the liver, the intestine, the kidneys. As a result, you may feel drowsiness, fatigue, memory failure, and poor performance… etc.

Rather than studying about healthy food, let’s try to avoid bad food first! There is no doubt to mention about alcohol and cigarette! This will help your swelling goes down quickly after the surgery! So, let’s try to fix your eating habit from now!


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