Making a Good Impression with Mouth Corner Lifting

There was a research stated that people only need 3 seconds to form a first impression once they meet the others. So many factors that could effect the first impression, which are appearance, body figure, fashion, etc. However, the most important thing out of all is a bright and soft smile on your face.

A person with a dropped mouth corner gives a weak and unsatisfied impression while a person with a smile mouth corner gives a happy and positive impression. That is why recently many people were attracted to do a mouth corner lifting surgery to improve their mouth corner shape and to make themselves look younger.

A mouth corner lifting surgery removes a part of muscle that causing a dropped mouth corner and relocates it to lift the mouth corner. This surgery could even improve a person with a non-expression impression to a person with a bright and cute image. It does not only give a positive image but also gives an anti-aging effect.

Recently people are looking for a mouth corner lifting surgery to create a brighter image that could even lead to a better result during a job interview. A bright smile is the most important thing especially for a person who wants to work at a service industry.

In the past, a mouth corner lifting was known to be done before a job interview but recently it gained much more popularity by improving someone’s image to a better one.

A mouth corner lifting surgery is considerably a simple surgery yet it is important to be performed by a professional and experienced surgeon because it is greatly depending on the direction of angle and the degree of incision.

This surgery is not just lifting the corner of the mouth but it also need a sophisticated techniques to achieve the most natural and beautiful proportion of your lips and overall’s face.

A detail analysis should be performed before the surgery and through this analysis whether the mouth corner was short, asymmetry, or droop, etc, every characteristic must be analyzed to decide the most suitable procedure for each individuals. To achieve a good semi-permanent effect, choose the right hospital with experienced surgeons.


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