Age-customized lifting, depends on the facial and neck skin types

One of the most popular cosmetic procedure among women in their 30s is a so called “baby-face lifting”.
Lifting was originally targeted on middle age people in order to improve wrinkles and droopy face and neck, but nowadays, the demand is quite prominent within young people as well.

The types and methods of lifting are also being diversified, from thread lifting which uses medical threads, laser lifting which gives elasticity and tightness using laser’s wavelength, and incisional face lifting which dramatically improves wrinkles. Since there are various methods, it is important to select the right method after a careful consideration of one’s skin types and age.
People in their 20s~30s mostly prefer small and slender v-line faces because chubby face gives off a blunt and flat impression.

Ultra V-thread is a PDO material, which is dissolvable with barbs on both sides that for proper lifting and fixation. Combining Ulther, which creates collagens in SMAS layers with ultrasound energy, botox and dermotoxin injection can create a synergy effect for better lifting results.
As we reach our 40s and 50s, aging gets rapid as our skin loses elasticity. Not only that, but our cheeks and neck becomes droopy, and lots of wrinkles start to appear on forehead, eye and mouth areas.

Thread and laser lifting can be done in all age groups, but it could be quite ineffective in case of severe droopiness and deep wrinkles. Incisional face lifting can be a better resolution for such cases, especially for saggy eyelids and cheeks, deep nasolabial folds etc.
Since lifting is usually done with thread and laser as a non-invasive procedure, it is commonly done in other places aside from dermatology or plastic surgery clinic. However, it also requires a proper diagnosis in order to determine the right type, method and area and therefore is important consult a specialist beforehand.


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