O ur WONJIN Model, Nguyen’s real story! Nguyen wanted to enhance her beauty and become a better version of her with the help of plastic surgery. She was always insecure about her eyes as she thought that they were on the small side and she always looked tired. Also, she was self-conscious of her low nose and as a result lost her confidence. However, now, this has all changed! Read more about her journey with WONJIN below and how she was able to regain her confidence! Before the surgery 3 days after the surgery Today is the 3rd day after surgery. I was really surprised because the pain was lighter than I thought. My face is a little swollen but I feel the difference of the nose and eyes. I'm so impatient to wait until the day to remove stitches!! . I am still trying to apply ice packs and walk gently so that my face is less swollen! 7 days after surgery I went to hospital today to remove stitches inside of m...