Forehead augmentation adds definition to your features

Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic - Forehead augmentation

Add definition to your features with forehead augmentation! 

Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic Forehead Augmentation

What makes a beautiful forehead?

1. A forehead should be round and have sufficient volume to be noticeable.
2. The distance from the hairline to the eyebrows should be equivalent to the distance from the eyebrows to the nose tip.
This description fits the ideal beautiful forehead. A recessed forehead can be improved by adding volume, and an uneven forehead can likewise be improved by adding volume in areas that are lacking. Adding definition not only improves your appearance but can also make you appear younger. 

Forehead augmentation surgical method
For forehead augmentation there is autologous fat grafting method and
inserting a silicone implant  through surgery.

1. Fat grafting (autologous fat graft)

One way to get a beautiful forehead is to inject small amounts of fat underneath the forehead muscles. It is appropriate for adding slight improvements to recessed or to even out and make the forehead smoother. Fat is collected from your abdomen, thighs, and other areas where fat easily accumulates. Then, the purified fat is inserted through a 2~3mm incision point made at the hairline.

Fat grafting surgical process 
*Please be aware that depending on the individual, general complications that can occur after surgery or treatment include: bleeding, infection, inflammation, and etc.

1) Forehead consultation and design
The design point is in the center of the facial area, using Wonjin's know-how a V line is also considering during the design.
2) Fat collection & cell separation
The required amount of fat is extracted from the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks and purified. Using the lipokit device for centrifugal separation, only high quality fat is used.

3) Forehead fat grafting 
The appropriate amount of fat is accurately placed in the designed areas. Only the correct amounts are grafting using Wonjin's vast experience and surgical know-how for satisfactory results.

2. Implant insertion 
For implant insertion surgery, an implant is produced according to the individual 1~2 weeks in advance. The prepared implant is then is inserted through an incision point of 2~3cm behind the hairline. There is minimal scarring and surgery time is a short 30 minutes with discharge available the same day. Stitches will be removed about 5~7 days after surgery.

1) Forehead implant production process  
  1. With simulation surgery prediction program appropriate volume is predicted and surgery is planned.
  2. From the nose bridge to the back of the hairline a plaster is applied and shaped considering the individual's forehead.
  3. An accurate mold is exquisitely chiseled.
  4. Using the mold as a base the implant is produced with KFDA approved silicone.    

2) Forehead implant surgical process
1. After anesthesia with sedation, the most minimal incision of 2~3cm is made behind the hairline.
2. The implant is carefully inserted through the incision point.
3. After suturing, a compressive bandage is wrapped around the forehead. 

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