Protruding lips before and after

Protruding lips before and after

Surgery information : Facial contouring(square jaw reduction, Front chin surgery)
Two jaw surgery
<Protruding lips before and after Front view>
 <Protruding lips before and after 45 degree view>

<Protruding lips before and after Side view>

 * Please be aware that depending on the individual, general complications can arise after surgery including bleeding, inflammation, infection, etc.
For treatment times, reservations, and enquiries come check out our website


  1. Make sure to speak with your surgeon about this recovery period as well as making sure that your surgeon is board certified for the Lip reduction procedure as this will decrease the chances of a complication as well as increase the chances of a good out come from the procedure all at the same time.

  2. If you are searching for Lip Reduction surgery in India then visit Soni plastic surgery centre. Our clinic has provide many successful cases to the patients. Check our website and see the previous results.

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