Magnesium deficiency and eye twitching

Can magnesium deficiency cause eye twitching?

eye twitching magnesium deficiency symptoms

Have you ever been going about your daily routine when your experience eye twitching?
It doesn't hurt and it doesn't occur often and so many times people just ignore it.
However, if you experience eye twitching more often, it could be a sign of something wrong with your body.

eye twitching blepharospasm

1. What is eye twitching?  

Eye twitching is an involuntary spasm of the eye muscles. This can happen on occasion and usually goes away quickly. However, if eye twitching continues to bother you, occurs more often, then it is recommended to get a check up by your doctor. 

2. Causes of eye twitching?  

causes of eye twitching
> Excessive intake of caffeine or overly stimulating foods
Caffeine is a stimulant, and when taken in large doses the body can react negatively especially after the caffeine wears off (caffeine crash). Likewise, eating overly stimulating foods with high sodium content can also cause imbalances in the body - Consistent eye twitching is just one sign your body may exhibit.

> Stress and lack of sleep
If you experience eye twitching, there is a high chance it is due to lack of sleep and exhaustion. Being stressed (staying up late studying for finals) can also affect your regular sleeping patterns.

> Magnesium and other vitamin deficiency
Lack of magnesium especially can make the muscles tense, and cause involuntary muscle spasms. Magnesium can help control calcium (which play a role in muscle contractions), and sufficient magnesium intake is required to make sure all functions are optimal.

3. Foods effective to improve eye twitching
foods good for eye twitching

> Bananas
Bananas have high magnesium content and other helpful nutrients. Eating just one banana can satisfy hunger pangs, and bananas are a common diet food. 

> Green, leafy vegetables
Greens have many important vitamins and minerals including magnesium, and are well-known health foods. Spinach, sesame leaves, lettuce, and parsley are just a few vegetables that are both delicious and nutritious.

> Almonds
Almonds and other nuts are good for healthy skin. Not only are almonds packed with helpful nutrients, but can also help skin healthy by strengthening skin cells. However, almonds do have high calorie and fat content so you should snack on a few, accordingly. 

Eye twitching is mostly due to lack of sleep or nutrients, and will go away naturally. However, be aware that consistent eye twitching can interfere with daily activities. This could be your body's way of telling you to take a break and relax. Eat healthy and try not to be so stressed out!

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