What causes brittle nails?

Types of nail abnormalities and other nail troubles
what causes cracked nails, brittle nail tips, korean beauty tips and info

Have you ever gone to get your nails done and noticed cracked lines on them?
If your nails have chipped or have lines on them, no matter how good the manicure is it will look not look as attractive as it could.
This post will explain why these types of nails can occur as well as how to maintain nails and keep them beautiful.

what causes cracked nails, brittle nail tips, korean beauty tips and info
> Weak nails that are brittle or break easily

Weak nails that break easily can be due to several factors. This can caused by reduced thyroid functions, lack of vitamins, proteins, or dryness. 
Women who get nail art done often have an increased chance of having broken fingernails, because too much nail polish remover use makes the nails become dry. In addition, dry nails can also lead to increased aging in the fingernails. That being said, if brittle nails are not due to nail remover use or old age, then it could be due to reduced thyroid functions (or lack of vitamins) and may require treatment.

what causes cracked nails, brittle nail tips, korean beauty tips and info
 > Indented spoon-shaped nails (koilonychia)

These types of nails could be an indicator of iron-deficiency anaemia. This can commonly occur for those with anemia, diabetes, or problems of the thyroid. If you ever experience indented fingernails we recommend getting things checked up at a hospital.

what causes cracked nails, brittle nail tips, korean beauty tips and info
 > Pitting or dents on the nails

If you have these type of nails there is a high chance it is due to anemia (iron-deficiency). The causes are similar to spoon-shaped finger nails, if you suddenly notice dents on your nails then you should get treatment for them.

what causes cracked nails, brittle nail tips, korean beauty tips and info
 > Thick and overgrown fingernails

If you have these kind of nails then there is a good chance you have a fungal infection (such as athlete's foot). In the case of fungal infection, fingernails can change color, become loose, or even fall off. A normal fingernail is usually 0.5mm thick, and if your nails are thicker you should check to see if you have athlete's foot, or other types of fungal infections.

Making your nails pretty is important, but remember to keep your health in mind as well. 
The state of your finger nails can be a signal that there is something wrong with the body.
The best way to make sure your nails are both healthy and attractive is to first make sure you are in good health, don't you think?

For treatment times, reservations, and enquiries come check out our website

Website : http://wonjinbeauty.com
E-mail : w.world@pwj.co.kr


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