Male Rhinoplasty: Wonjin, the best plastic clinic for male rhinoplasty surgery
Male Rhinoplasty: Wonjin, the best plastic clinic for male rhinoplasty surgery There are hot guys with small eyes but not with small, flat nose. That’s why rhinoplasty surgery is one of the most common surgeries among men. Male Rhinoplasty- What is a flat nose surgery? It is the most common surgery among male rhinoplasty. Unlike before when people preferred westernized nose shape, it’s important to build the nose bridge by considering the balance of the whole face. Wonjin’s male rhinoplasty does not just make the bridge higher but the tip as well to define sharper profile view. Male Rhinoplasty- Hump nose People with hump nose may look stubborn and with strong impression. It is possible to achieve a great result just by slightly removing the hump on the bridge. However, there could be a big change wi...