Types of Breast Surgery in Wonjin: What’s right for me?

Types of Breast Surgery in Wonjin:
What’s right for me?
Today, let’s talk about the different types of breast augmentation surgery.  Summer has already arrived and it’s time for vacation.  Many people plan to visit the popular holiday spots, local beaches, and waterpark.  The most important thing would be wearing the pretty and sexy bikini.  However, you must be hesitating even if there are so many pretty bikinis to wear.  If you want to be confident wearing the bikini, do not want to cover your bikini with your clothes, and wear life vest all the time, then attention everyone! There is a solution right here at Wonjin Beauty Medical Group.
Every women wants to have a beautiful and big breast, but afraid of surgery and doesn’t know which clinic to choose, which surgical method, and which implant is right for them.  Since everybody’s face looks different, it’s same as breast too.  Today, we are going to talk about different types of breast surgery for different body types.
Type of Breast Surgery 1. Skinny and Straight Body Type
It is a common body types with Korean or Asian women.  In this case, there is very small amount of breast tissue and thin skin, which is difficult to make a space for the implant to be placed. Usually, the incision is made through under the armpit to insert the implant for the most natural breast.  Also, teardrop shape implant would be the most appropriate to achieve beautiful breast line.
Type of Breast Surgery 2. Top Hourglass Body Type
.Different from the Asian women, Western women usually have some breast tissue and fat with volume on their breast.  In this case, the implant can be placed over the muscle, under the muscle, or in between as well.   The type of implant also can be determined as the patient’s preference and recommendation from the surgeon.
Type of Breast Surgery 3. Different Breast Shape Body Type
Like every person’s face is asymmetry, every woman’s breast is asymmetry too.  When the size, shape, or height of chest bone is different, it can be managed by using the different size implant.  In order to do that, it’s important to find the well experienced surgeon and have a professional consultation.
Type of Breast Surgery 4. Oversized Body Type

Fat grafting into breast is possible in case of a lot fat in the body or weight gained due to pregnancy, desire to have breast augmentation, but afraid of implant. Harvest-Jet is the most advanced device which has higher fat engraftment, by extracting the fat from abdomen or thigh and injecting into the breast to increase volume.  In addition, breast enlargement and liposuction can be done at the same time with a great satisfying results.



Beautiful breast is necessary for the confidence of all women!
Wonjin is the place to be with our breast exclusive system for safety and beautiful result.





  1. Breast reconstruction surgery can be either immediate or delayed. With immediate reconstruction, a surgeon performs the first stage to rebuild the breast during the same operation as the mastectomy. A method called skin-sparing mastectomy may be used to save enough breast skin to cover the reconstruction.

    breast augmentation recovery


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