Experience of liposuction surgery in Korea

Experience of liposuction surgery

Now, the compression garment feels like it’s a part of my body. Today, I had a Tenor high frequency treatment and during the treatment, I felt asleep because it was so relaxing. After the treatment, I felt so refreshing and my body felt lighter. My body line has changed so much since the operation but I was told that it would further get slimmer with continuous treatment in a combination of working out I should work out more and eat healtheir!
3 days after
I over the fear and safely got the operation done. I feel sluggish due to swelling but I’m so happy anticipating myself being in a good shape soon.
7 days after
The pain is much better now and finally I can take a shower. Without the compression garment, I still have some swelling but it definitely got slimmer. I went to school for the first time after the operation and everyone was so surprised how slimmer I got! But nobody knew I had a liposuction. I feel so good. I can’t believe my body shape change in such a short time!
14 days after the operation

 Now, the compression garment feels like it’s a part of my body. Today, I had a Tenor high frequency treatment and during the treatment, I felt asleep because it was so relaxing. After the treatment, I felt so refreshing and my body felt lighter. My body line has changed so much since the operation but I was told that it would further get slimmer with continuous treatment in a combination of working out I should work out more and eat healtheir!


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