Why does make up become patchy and cakey in between seasons?

Why does make up become patchy and cakey in between seasons?

How do you get rid of dead skin cells on dry skins? When the dead skin cells are visible on face, it doesn’t look good and the makeup become patchy and cakey.

Remaining dead skin cells cause skin trouble due to blocking pores!

Especially in winter season, when the weather is very dry and the skin is lack of moisture, ‘scrub type’ of peeling can have bad effect than good. Scrub type of peeling will damage the outer layer of skin.

Dr.Jin Brightening Peel not only makes the improvement on skin tone by peeling off the dead skin cells without damaging the skin, but also strengthens the ability of peeling for long term~!

Depending on the skin condition, apply for 5 minutes once or twice a week and feel the change of skin tone and texture!


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