Why Motiva Implant' for breast augmentation?

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Breast Augmentation is one of the plastic surgeries that bring high level of patients’ satisfaction.

Number of women who decide to undergo breast augmentation is increasing as many as eyes or nose, and the breast implants have been developed in response to such demands.
Silicone implants have been evolved to improve the problems of the first breast implant that had been used with saline solution, such as capsular contracture or infection, and then cohesive gel breast implant has been produced recently.
This cohesive gel breast implant has specific advantages, one of the benefits is that the implant is not absorbed into the body if they rupture or are ripped.

Recently, an infant drank milk tainted with breast implant filler.
Cohesive gel implant has mitigated side effects that were raised from silicone implants used in the past.
Also, the shape of breast implants have been continuously developed, which has resulted in a variety breast implants from round breast implant to teardrop implant and Motiva Implant that is widely used these days.

Round breast implants are suitable for people who like upper breast fullness, but it might not form a more natural shape when lying down.
In case of teardrop breast implants, it may make your breasts appear more saggy so the body type should be assessed thoroughly before choosing breast implants.
However, the shape of motiva breast implant is changed when changing in the body position.

The most important factors in breast augmentation surgery are mitigation of side effects, the shape of breast implants and texture of breast implants.
Real natural breast is very soft as it is combined with breast tissue and fat tissue.
Thus, various types of breast implants have been evolved to create the most natural texture like real breasts and large number of people select Motiva breast implants for their breast augmentation surgery due to the natural feeling and texture of it.

Wonjin Plastic Surgery Hospital had a blind test survey of breast implants texture and Motiva breast implants topped in the breast implants texture.

More and more breast implants will be developed to vouch for patient’s safety and more natural shape.

In addition to this, Wonjin will strive to achieve higher technical skills that can minimize damaging effects on our body along with the development of breast implants.


  1. Such an Informative Article for similar articles or if you wish to undergo breast augmentation surgery visit our website : http://www.alluremedspa.in


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