Wonjin Plastic Surgery How to hide calf muscles

The calf is made up of various muscles, especially when lateral gastrocnemius which is the calf muscle develops then you will have big calves.

hide calf muscles

The lateral gastrocnemius is mainly developed due to genetic factors, excessive exercises, or orthopedic abnormalities of legs and it can be seen as bowed legs so it is recommended to fix it.

Calf reduction is suitable when there are excessive muscles in the calf, calf muscles are asymmetric, there are fat and edema in the calf, and it is reluctant to wear short clothing due to uneven calf muscles.
There are three types of muscles in the calf: Medical gastrocnemius, Lateral gastrocnemius and the Soleus muscle.

Massaging and simple stretching in daily life can relieve developed calves muscles but it does not help in reducing calves muscles or reshape the legs line and it is more difficult for developed calves’ muscles due to genetic factors.
That’s why calf reduction surgery is getting attention among many women.

There are various procedure methods; Medium-High frequency muscle reducing surgery, liposuction using the cutting edge laser, non-incision selective neurolysis, thread therapy, and botox injection.

Botox treatment is very popular as it is quickly performed and patient can resume their normal daily lives immediately after treatment.
However, it is important to select the most suitable treatment method as the cause and level of development of calf muscles for each individual is different.

calf muscles surgery

Wonjin Plastic Surgery said “Post care is really important after calf reduction surgery, so it is recommended to wear compression stockings for a month after surgery to subside swelling and settle the skin.
Light stretching also helps to relieve muscles and it is good to wear low heel shoes rather than high heels.”

calf muscles surgery
calf muscles surgery
hide calf muscles, How to hide calf muscles, calf muscles, calf surgery, before and after, hide calf muscles, How to hide calf muscles, calf muscles, calf surgery, before and after, hide calf muscles, How to hide calf muscles, calf muscles, calf surgery, before and after, 


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