Sweet Potatoes: Health Benefits, Risks, and nutrition facts

Do you like sweet potatoes? Sweet potatoes are rich in dietary fiber and contain many nutrients that make your body healthy. Let’s take a closer look at the potency of sweet potatoes one by one.

1. Good for constipation If you have a bad case of constipation, it affects bad influence on diet and skin care. As I mentioned above, sweet potatoes are rich in dietary fiber. Especially, both insoluble and water-soluble dietary fiber is abundant, so it will help your bowel movement.

2. Good for inhibited aging
Sweet potatoes contain a lot of ingredients which have anti-aging benefits. Especially, the component called polyphenols destroys free radicals that cause aging.

3. Good for skin care
Did you know that sweet potatoes are good for skin? Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin C which encourages healthy, glowing skin and collagen growth. If you compare to the apple, it contains 7 times to 10 times more vitamin C. In addition, the unusual thing is even cooked or steamed; still vitamin C is not disappears because of starch.

4. Good for relieving fatigue
Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin C and E which is good for relieving fatigue. If you need Vitamin E to help you recovery, sweet potatoes would be best.

5. Good for swelling
Sweet potatoes are rich in potassium, which works to release unnecessary sodium in the body. If you continue to consume sweet potatoes (potassium), you will improve on your edema and also your blood pressure will decrease. Potassium also has a good effect on your stress and anxiety.

6. Good way to prevent possible adult diseases
As I have already mentioned, sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin E. Vitamin E is effective in improving blood circulation, it can prevent hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and vascular-related diseases.


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