5 effects of dark chocolate and its precautions

I have looked into 5 effects of dark chocolate and its precautions. The representative health benefits of dark chocolates which you must know are that they prevent you from cavities, atherosclerosis and aging.

1) Increases the level of concentration
The first positive side of dark chocolate is that is has a significant effect on cognitive function and boosts up focus. Chocolate is rich in flavonoid which improves blood circulation in our brain and therefore helps you to concentrate better.

2) Relieves stress
It is known that stress occurs when a substance called cortisol is secreted in our body. However, the mood-boosting chemicals contained in dark chocolates decrease the number of these substances and therefore help prevent stress.

3) Maintains heart health
Intake of dark chocolates increases the number of body-friendly cholesterols, which fight against inflammations in the arteries and thus improving cardiovascular functions.

4) Good for weight loss
A study proved that the appetite of those who smelled chocolates rich in cacao content decreased to the level of 40% than those who didn’t.

5) Improves skin condition
Skin improvement is the most representative health benefit of dark chocolate intake. It may not clarify our skin, but it does keep our skin moisturized. For those who want to overcome dry skin, I recommend you to eat some dark chocolates.

6) Precautions
Diabetic patients, obese people with high neutral fats, people who are prone to migraines or reflux esophagitis must be careful with the downsides of dark chocolates because it has been implicated in the exacerbation of symptoms regarding bladder infection, esophagitis and gastroesophageal disease. Also, chocolates are high in sugar and calories so those who are on weight control or those with diabetes would want to avoid excessive intake.


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