Worst foods for heart that we unconsciously consume

Processed meat
We often consume processed meats like hams or sausages as our side dish. The characteristics of processed meats are that they are made with leftover fats and have high level of sodium and cholesterol. It is not recommended if you want to keep your heart healthy because it may lead to diseases like hypertension.

Trans fats
Foods like cakes and chips contain abundant amounts of trans fats. Trans fats are also well-known for harming cardiac health. They destroy the harmless cholesterols while increasing the number of harmful ones and thus causing atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries). Also, they damage the heart by disorganizing the function of blood vessels and triggering inflammatory reactions.


Refined grains
The last to be introduced are processed foods that contain high level of refined grains such as bread and chips. If you eat too much food that contain refined grains, the number of HDL cholesterols which plays a critical role in preventing cardiovascular diseases will be greatly decreased, while neutral fats in blood increase. Therefore, it is important to maintain an adequate intake in order to avoid cardiac diseases.


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