How to maintain weight after successful weight loss! A diet method without yo-yo effect?

Most people say that they’ve experienced yo-yo effect after going on a diet. Gaining weight back again after diet is quite common, and there are cases where one gains even more weight than before due to excessive diet. Let’s find out how we can maintain shape after weight loss.

1. Never skip breakfast:
It has been proved that eating healthy breakfast is very effective in weight maintenance as it helps to strengthen our immune system.

2. Exercise everyday:
You can prevent obesity by exercising and taking a walk as much as the calories ingested everyday. But if busy schedule hinders you from exercising everyday, then you may do it on a daily interval basis.

3. Nuts for snack! :
When you have the munchies before or after meal time, eating nuts or fruits as snacks can prevent you from binging. Pistachios are especially abundant in antioxidants, which are very helpful in removing fat cells and generating muscle development.

4. Protein-based diet:
Protein, which is a vital element in muscle development and has longer-lasting satiety compared to carbohydrates, is a must-have nutrient in both weight loss and maintenance. You may ingest them easily through salad or menus with chicken.


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