Emergency alert on respiratory health during dry winter

The temperature difference between the inside and the outside during winter weakens our resistance ability, putting a red light on our respiratory health. Foods like balloon flower, pear, red ginseng are very well-known for respiratory health. And today, we’ll find out what other foods help in keeping our respiratory system healthy.

1. Omega-3 fatty acid
Omega-3 fatty acids are usually well-known for blood vessels, but it is also beneficial for our respiratory system. According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare in the United States, fish like salmon and herring contain abundant amount of omega-2 fatty acids, which reduce the incidence and danger rate of asthma.

2. Olive oil
Olive oil, often used in various foods including salads, help in strengthening the lungs. Unsaturated fatty acids contained in olive oil do not only build up the lungs, but also heart, scalp and skin. Furthermore, a study from the United States has proved that oleic acid contained in the olive oil decreases the health risk due to air pollution.

3. Apple
It may not be as famous as pear, but apples are also a beneficial factor in keeping our respiratory health. The reason why is because apple is abundant in flavonoid and phenolic acid, which mitigate the respiratory tract inflammations.

4. Sweet potato
Sweet potato has ingredients which protects the asthmatics from oxidation stress and inflammations. The beta-carotene is transformed into vitamin A when it is consumed into our body, and a study proved that the more beta-carotene is concentrated in blood, the less you are exposed to lung cancer risks. Also, it means that a lot of beta-carotenes are contained as the food gets more yellow, and thus being effective on preventing oral cancer, esophagus cancer, laryngeal cancer and lung cancer.

There are lots of foods for respiratory health that we can encounter easily in our daily lives. Aside from paying attention to the foods, we can also manage to keep our respiratory organs healthy by routinely exercises, humidity maintenance, etc.


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