Signals sent by our body as a sign of nutrition deficiencies

A new year has begun. Have you set this year’s goals and resolutions? My goal this year is to keep myself healthy so I’ve brought some health information as the topic for today’s post.
Don’t you think your life pattern was too irregular during the end of the year due to frequent drinking occasions and gatherings? Let’s look back on ourselves and self-reflect to protect our health. First step to protect our health is to understand the help-signals sent by our body. Let’s find out how our body reacts in case of insufficient nutrition.

[Chapped lips]
Lips being chapped like drought soil may be a sign of liver problem. It may also be a symptom of vitamin B deficiency, and eating a lot of fish will help.

[Broken nails]
Broken, cracked nails are signs of insufficient zinc. This could be improved through a sufficient intake of red meat, seafood and beans.

[Ringing in the ears'
‘Tinnitus’ is referred to as a symptom of continuous beeping or ringing sounds in the ears. It usually happens when you’re tired and lack energy. This means you need some rest! It is important to visit the hospital, eat well and rest well for a fast recovery.

[Twitching eyes]
Insufficient magnesium and piling up of fatigues cause eye twitching. You should take a good rest and keep off from cellphones which adds up tiredness to our eyes.


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