4060 Things to know before surgery for middle aged class.

Lately the popularity of middle aged class who decide to have plastic surgery has been increased. Also the types of surgery for its class have diversified; Botox to abdomen liposuction and Breast lifting, etc. It is not limited to a double eyelid revision surgery due to aging or previous illegal treatment anymore. However, decisions have to be made very discreetly since all the procedures you decide change your face or body whether it’s a big surgery or an easy and simple treatment. It is not easy to revise or undo the result after surgery even if you are not satisfied with the result.

Things to keep in mind for a safe and satisfactory result without side effects if you are middle aged.


The majority of middle aged class is exposed to chronic disease such as high blood pressure and diabetes. It is mandatory that you discuss your health condition with your internal medicine specialist and let your surgeon know before surgery. If a patient having diabetes fasts before surgery for anesthesia, hypoglycemic shock can happen. It is necessary to control the level of blood sugar before surgery because stopping bleeding and healing scars can be difficult during/after surgery when it’s not controlled well. If you have high blood pressure, your blood pressure can change then the change can cause bleeding during operation.


You have to let our doctor and counselor know if you are taking any pills or health functional foods before surgery to be advised in detail about it. Including vitamins and oriental medicines, it is important to stop taking it all for 1~2 weeks before surgery to prevent any side effects such as lots of bleeding during operation.


Illegal treatment is still happening. It causes a lot of side effect, but there is no one but you to be responsible for all the result.


You have to stop smoking and drinking for the period of time that our clinic advised to do so. Drinking slows down healing process and lowers immunity, so swelling would stay longer than expected and infection can happen. Smoking also can cause the same side effects as drinking (peripheral vasoconstriction causes infection and restricts healing). It is recommended to stop smoking and drinking for 2 weeks before your surgery. After surgery, you will be advised to stop both for a few weeks~1month depending on the type of surgery you had.


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