Basic part of surgery ‘Anesthesia’

Basic part of surgery ‘Anesthesia’, process to eliminate surgical pain


These days, medical information is available through various channels, so most of people have common medical information. But they still don't seem to know much about anesthesia. Anesthesia refers to the administration or inhalation of drugs to eliminate the pain during the surgery. It includes general anesthesia, sedative anesthesia, spinal anesthesia, upper-arm neuropathy, and local anesthesia. The choice of anesthesia is determined by considering the type of surgery, the patient's condition, age, and patient's wishes. .



Sedative anesthesia is a procedure used for simple plastic surgery and procedures that can cause patients to be in a sleep state during surgery by injecting intravenous anesthetic once or continuously. Anesthesia is simple, but it is essential to have appropriate patient monitoring devices, oxygen, and medical staffs who can properly replace emergency situations.



General anesthesia is that drugs are injected with blood vessels or airways to suppress the central nervous system. Temporary decrease or loss of the sensation and consciousness of the whole body is often accompanied so a muscle relaxant is mostly used for the convenience and safety of surgery. As the patient does not have a spontaneous respiration, a tube is inserted through the mouth to the airway and connects the tube with the anesthesia machine to safely provide oxygen and anesthetic gas to the patient during surgery.


Unlike other anesthesia, patients are awakened by medical staffs from anesthesia after the surgery, allowing them to come back with spontaneous respiration and consciousness, and more need to be done with the tube. The reason why a general anesthesia patient has a sore throat is because this process is indispensable. The sore throat disappears in a day or so.


A minimum of eight hours of fasting is very important, as some of patient vomit during the surgeries under general anesthesia and vomit can choke on airway.


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