Increase Volume on Your Face with Fat-grafting

Using makeup to make your face look slimmer or contouring your face to hide your flaws has become a trend amongst people who want to improve their appearance.
However, due to aging or loss of weight through extreme dieting in a short amount of time, the face can lose its volume making you look tired as well as making you look older than your actual age.

In this instance, you can be treated with autologous fat grafting to add more volume to your face and make it look less flat.

Autologous fat grafting is used to add just enough volume to your face to make you look more youthful and full of life. Also, this is known as a procedure that allows you to kill two birds with one stone as it uses unnecessary fat from the thighs and stomach to inject it in your face for a younger looking appearance.

For autologous fat grafting, fat is extracted from the thighs, stomach and etc. Then using the centrifugal method, pure fat is separated and it is used to inject into your face. As this procedure doesn't involve cutting bones or use implants, it feels and looks more natural. Also, the procedure and recovering time is fairly short meaning that it is convenient for busy people in the modern day as you can return back to your everyday routine in a short space of time.

The forehead, chin, nose tip, lips and etc. are some of the places that autologous fat grafting is possible. Not only that but, it can be used to give more shape to the body. If your breasts have lost its elasticity after giving birth or if you want to add volume to your buttocks, a lot of fat will be put into those areas to help you achieve a body shape that look and feel more natural.

The rate of engraftment is crucial to increase the effectiveness of fat grafting. Therefore, the surgeon's experience in the procedure, their expertise and equipment that prioritizes safety is important as it will help the tissues stick together well resulting in high engraftment rate, while simultaneously making the areas look natural after fat grafting.

Our advice from Wonjin: "Fat grafting is known to be a relatively simple procedure; however, the process of extracting, separating and transplanting the fat requires precision. Therefore, plenty of consulting is necessary to understand the procedure better as the experience of the surgeon and the rate of engraftment can make a huge difference."

Going on an extreme diet after fat grafting could lead to the injected fat being absorbed at a faster rate. Therefore, avoid going on a diet as well as massaging or putting pressure on the area. Also, to maintain the volume of the area where fat has been transplanted, getting a massage and others should be avoided for around 1~2months.


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