Non-incision ptosis correction for 'sleepy and stuffy eyes' ptosis

           Non-incision ptosis correction for 'sleepy and stuffy eyes' ptosis

In a survey conducted by ‘Job Korea’, a company specializing in employment, for corporate HR managers, 86% of respondents said that they consider first impressions in an interview to the question of 'importance of first impressions in an interview'. Experts agree that this shows that the first impression is the most important thing in determining whether or not an interview is successful.

Because of this, “eye surgery”, which allows for quick recovery and immediate image change, is popular among job seekers these days. Although there is a common double eyelid surgery, the number of cases of eyelid correction for ptosis, a so-called 'sleepy looking eye' that can immediately improve the first impression, is on the rise.

When there is the phenomenon of Blepharoptosis, If the muscles that open the eyes are weak, the eyelids droop down and cover the pupils, giving the impression of drowsiness and stuffiness.


Not only cosmetic problems, but also functional problems of the eyes may appear. It causes forehead wrinkles by using the force of the forehead to lift the eyelids upward. In addition, experts explain that if Blepharoptosis is left untreated, amblyopia or astigmatism can occur.

Eyelid correction surgery is suitable as a method to improve Blepharoptosis. According to Park Jang-woo, the professional of WJ Wonjin PlasticSurgery Clinic, who has the only non-incisional glam eye thesis (“Archives of aesthetic PLASTIC SURGERY”, “Annals of PLASTIC SURGERY”) in Korea, the incision method was previously considered for eyelid correction. Nowadays, it is possible to correct Blepharoptosis with non-incision ptosis correction that controls the strength of the muscle to open the eyes without incision.

Non-incision blepharoplasty correction is a method of improving the eyes by making a fine hole in the eyelid without making an incision, removing an appropriate amount of fat as needed, and tying the eyelid plate with the muscle that lifts the upper eyelid with a thread.


It is characterized by almost no scars after surgery, and a natural line can be expected. There is relatively little swelling and scarring, and recovery is quick.


In order to obtain satisfactory results, it is necessary to comprehensively consider not only the size of the eyes, but also the shape of the eyes, the lines, the degree of drooping eyelids. Dr. Park Jang-woo said, "It is important that the surgery be performed through a medical team with sufficient experience and know-how for blepharoplasty."


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