Milk injection? Let’s see what Anesthesia (PROPOFOL) is.

Have you heard of the Propofol, also known as celebrity’s milk injections?

Correct use is important because misinformation of anesthetic is spreading.

Propofol is an intravenous anesthetic. Normal general anesthesia requires an inhalation anesthetic and inserting an organ, but propofol is an anesthesia that can be used without such hassles.

It is an anesthetic used for both sleep anesthesia and general anesthesia because it is easy to control the depth of anesthesia.

Features and Effects

Propofol is very simple because it injects into anesthesia within one minute and breaks within five minutes if you stop injecting the medicine. It is also characterized by a feeling of comfort and fatigue recovery when awakened from sleep anesthesia. These Propofol characteristics caused drug dependence and some celebrities were abusing it. Another thing that is wrong about propofol, this anesthetic is not a drug, but it is designated as a psychotropic drug in 2011.

Propofol side effects

Propofol must be safely administered by anesthesiologist. If you inject more than necessary, breathing may be affected. Be sure to remember that it is a definite anesthetic, not a cloning.

Propofol side effects

Depending on the patient’s condition, even though the patient has been given an appropriate amount of anesthetic, it may be recognized as a large amount, causing difficulty in breathing. In this case, the symptoms of apnea, so I need to be immediately secured and prayer. This is difficult if you do not have an anesthesia department in the hospital. So when you decide to make plastic surgery, you have to check whether anesthesiologist within the clinic or not.


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