[Medical exchange] Conference with Medical Officials from Shandong Province, China to Attract Medical Tourists (MOU)
[Medical exchange] Conference with Medical Officials from Shandong Province, China to Attract Medical Tourists (MOU) Last November, Wonjin Beauty Medical Group and the director of Shandong Provincial Hospital, China, Dr. Lim and six other medical officials decided upon an agreement to attract medical tourists (MOU). This MOU was carried out by the Shandong Provincial Hospital located in Jinan, China and is one of the most highly respected hospitals in China spreading out across approximately 165,290 ㎡ with general hospital facilities as well as a plastic surgery. Also, Wonjin Beauty Medical Group and Shandong Provincial Hospital will work together to strengthen networks with related institutions overseas as well as to provide better medical service through the continuation of the medical exchange programme. Wonjin Beauty Medical Group will aspire to attract foreign patients and medical tourism by working towards demonstrating the safety of ...