Face Contouring, Wondering about Cheekbone Reduction for Completion of Faceline? It is good to keep the 3-Dimentional faceline with cheekbone even after cheekbone reduction for baby face. Wide cheekbone protruded to side may make the face look bigger and older than age. The ideal line of the face means when viewed from the front, the ratio of width of the cheekbone, forehead, and ear elevation of the eyebrows are almost 1:1. When width of the cheekbone is wider than forehead, slimmer and smoother face line can be made with cheekbone reduction by adjusting the cheekbone protrusion. Also by keeping the volume of front cheekbone when see it from the side make younger appearance and refined face line. 1. Face contour, Cheekbone reduction – When can I go back to daily life? The recovery time differs by patients’ condition, but usually the swelling increases for ...