Real story in Wonjin?,Two Jaw surgery in Korea?,Nose surgery in Korea?,Wonjin Beauty Medical Group ♥
Real story in Wonjin?, Two Jaw surgery in Korea?, Nose surgery in Korea?, Wonjin Beauty Medical Group ♥ This Paitient had Two Jaw surgery & Nose surgery in Wonjin Before the Nose surgery ▲ Real Diary: I got my nose done followed by Two Jaw surgery. I was really stressed out with my curved nose which caused functional problems as well, so I decided to get the nose correction. 1 Month after the surgery ▲ Real Diary: Tah-dah~~! I have removed the splint T – T yay me~! aren’t I just amazing? I was able to get back to my workplace within 2 weeks. Everyone said that my nose look so natural and well done. I was cute looking before the surgery, but now I look more mature. My friends keep saying that I look luxury and prettier. I really love it~ I have removed a little plastic thing which was...